<p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr">Egyptian art critic Tariq Al-Shennawi revealed a surprise on air to Saudi journalist Sarah Dandrawi, broadcaster of Al Arabiya channel and presenter of the program “Your Interaction,” where he told her that her name was involved in a case of insult and defamation in Egypt.</p><h2 style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> <span style="color:hsl(187, 48%, 51%);">Tarek El-Shenawy surprises Sarah Dandrawy</span></h2><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> Tarek El-Shenawy said that the report was submitted against him by the head of the Egyptian Actors Syndicate, Ashraf Zaki. He also mentioned in his speech the name of the broadcaster Sarah Dandrawy.</p><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> El-Shenawy revealed the details of the presence of the name of broadcaster Sarah Dandrawy in the report of a case of insult and slander against the artist Hani Shaker, and according to what El-Shenawy said during his meeting: “You are also named in a report of insult and slander from Hani Shaker against me because of a previous interview between us.”</p><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> Al-Shennawi also mentioned that the artist Hani Shaker based his allegations of insult and slander on an interview that Sarah Dandrawi had previously conducted with him, about Hani Shaker, and he explained that Shaker considered it insult and slander. </p><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:1375/1375;" src="https://cdn.sbisiali.com/news/images/1f55e829-b3f3-4da1-8471-f2a2297fa8cf.jpg" ></figure><h3 style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> <span style="color:hsl(187, 48%, 51%);">Sarah Dandrawy responds to Tarek El-Shenawy</span></h3><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> Sarah Dunrawi confirmed that she had not been contacted, and that no reports had been received about her, and she jokingly told Tarek El-Shenawy: “The minutes of the interview and investigation will be with you.” He commented jokingly. then . “I will defend you and say that you are not invited.”</p><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> Art critic Tariq El-Shenawy received a summons from the former Egyptian police, after he filed a complaint accusing the artist Ashraf Zaki, the acting captain, of insulting and defaming his wife, the artist Rogina. He said that the crisis began on April 9 of last year, when Tariq El-Shenawy wrote an article in one of the Egyptian newspapers. The title of the article I wrote was out of love for Rogina and her talent that could go away because of her choices. There are people who enter a war that is not hers, and there is a difference between people who have influence and people who respect her and fulfill their requests on their own, and a difference between people who have influence and exploit it to achieve what they want.</p><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> Meanwhile, art critic Tariq El-Shenawy, representative of the Actors Syndicate, attacked the artist Ashraf Zaki, in an interview with Sarah El-Dandarawy on the “Your Interaction” program. </p><figure class="media"><oembed url="https://twitter.com/tafa3olcom/status/1790099454986473623?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1790099454986473623%7Ctwgr%5Ea2eea0eff7617b678bcba8b50e19ad6b5509a30a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.alarabiya.net%2Fculture-and-art%2F2024%2F05%2F14%2FD8B3D8A7D8B1D8A9-D8AFD986D8AFD8B1D8A7D988D98A-D981D98A-D982D8B6D98AD8A9-D8B3D8A8-D988D982D8B0D981-D8A8D985D8B5D8B1-D988D987D8B0D8A7-D987D988-D8A7D984D8B3D8A8D8A8-"></oembed></figure>