<p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr">International star Cate Blanchett topped search engines in the past hours after she pulled a clever trick to support the Palestinian cause in a smart way and circumvent the rules of the Cannes Film Festival, which prohibit the presence of any appearances that have political connotations. </p><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:768/576;" src="https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2024/5/21/65536-%D8%A8%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B4%D9%8A%D8%AA.jpg" alt="Cate Blanchett shines in a dress in the colors of the Palestinian flag at the Cannes Film Festival.. Pictures - Youm7" ></figure><h2 style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> <span style="color:hsl( 187, 48%, 51% );">Cate Blanchett dress in the colors of the Palestinian flag</span></h2><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> Kate appeared on the red carpet wearing a dress bearing all the colors of the Palestinian flag - white, black and green. The dress appeared in black with a white train covered with a green lining. Blanchett lifted the lining while standing in front of the press cameras to show the three colors in the dress and give a clear sign. For its support for Palestine following the recent war launched on Gaza. </p><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:345/510;" src="https://media.filfan.com/NewsPics/FilfanNew/large/504432_0.jpg" alt="Fashion Police: Cate Blanchett modified her dress in Cannes to suit her support for the Palestinian cause | News | In art" ></figure><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> The public and social media users interacted greatly with this humanitarian gesture, which they considered a clear message to support the cause, and the hashtag “la robe très politique de Cate Blanchett” topped search engines after photos of Kate appeared at the festival. </p><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:750/450;" src="https://www.mobtada.com/resize?src=uploads/images/2024/05/17162829760.jpg&w=750&h=450&zc=0&q=70" alt="From the Cannes Film Festival.. International star Cate Blanchett stands in solidarity with the Palestinians (photos) | Beginner" ></figure><h3 style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> <span style="color:hsl( 187, 48%, 51% );">Cate Blanchett calls for an end to the war on Palestine</span></h3><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> As the United Nations Ambassador for Refugees, Kate previously sent a message to the European Parliament in which she demonstrated her support for oppressed peoples and her standing with Gaza during the recent war. She said: “I am not Syrian, I am not Ukrainian, I am not Afghan or from South Sudan, I am not a politician, and I am not from Palestine or Israel, but I am a witness to what is happening.” </p><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:980/654;" src="https://mediaaws.almasryalyoum.com/news/verylarge/2021/05/17/1535378_0.jpeg" alt="Bella Hadid supports her country with a march in New York: Free Palestine" ></figure><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:700/467;" src="https://alnkkar.com/uploads/news/6529823377bbe.jpg" alt="A shocking statement by Gigi Hadid regarding Gaza Al-Naqar News Network" ></figure><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:360/356;" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5MUpnMWMAA1ARQ?format=webp&name=360x360" alt="Image" ></figure><p style=";text-align:left;direction:ltr"> Kate was not the first artist to take a clear step to support Palestine, as a number of celebrities and artists demonstrated their support for the Palestinian people and condemned the brutal war on Gaza and called for it to stop. The most prominent of them were <a href="https://news.sbisiali.com/ar/news/article/gigi-hadid-the-icon-of-fashion-and-elegance-in-the-world">Gigi Hadid</a> , <a href="https://news.sbisiali.com/ar/news/article/after-a-struggle-with-illness-bella-hadid-is-focusing-on-her-mental-and-emotional-health">Bella Hadid</a> , Zayn Malik, <a href="https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%A7_%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A7">Dua Lipa</a> , <a href="https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%87%D9%8A%D9%84%D9%8A_%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%86">Hailey Bieber</a> , and Tai. BTS member and many others. </p><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:700/537;" src="https://anoujoum.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%A7-%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A7.jpg" alt="Dua Lipa withdraws an expensive clip due to the war on Gaza Stars Magazine" ></figure><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:700/400;" src="https://cdn.al-ain.com/images/2022/4/29/133-055036-hailey-bieber-health-crisis_700x400.jpg" alt="Hailey Bieber reveals the secret of her health crisis...a hole in the heart (video)" ></figure><figure class="image"><img style="aspect-ratio:620/330;" src="https://jfranews.com.jo/assets/2021-05-14/images/319033_55_1620995978.jpg" alt="Zayn Malik supports Palestine with an influential message Jafra News" ></figure>